The Atlanta Chapter will hold its election for 2018-19 Chapter officers at the May 15, 2018 meeting.  Please note the following:

  • Nominations are open for the following five positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary
  • Nominations may made by: emailing Rory Smoot  of the Chapter’s Election Committee at


    prior to 5:30 PM on May 15; or in person at the May 15 meeting before 7 PM
  • In order to nominate a candidate for office, seek an office, or vote in the election, a member must be in good financial standing with the Chapter.  Pay dues online
  • Voting must be done in person at the May 15, 2018 meeting
  • Each candidate will be given 2 minutes during the meeting to address the body prior to the voting period