2024 Morehouse Atlanta Alumni Election


Chapter Leadership Position Descriptions
(ALL offices are open for election):

President.  The President shall be the chief executive officer charged with the responsibility of executing, administering, and abiding by the will of the Association, in addition to the usual responsibilities of leadership.  He shall preside at all meetings of the Association, and the Executive Committee, or he may appoint a presiding officer.  He shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The president, within 30 days after the beginning of his term of office, shall appoint such committees as he deems necessary.

Vice President.  The Vice President is the key officer in charge of affairs in the absence of the President.  He shall assume all duties as previously indicated when it is determined that the President, during his tenure, can no longer fulfill said duties. He will serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.  This provision shall not be construed so as to prevent the vice president from serving as a committee chair if appointed by the president.

Corresponding Secretary.  The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for notifying members of all meetings including, date, time, and place.  He shall receive all correspondence directed to the Association. In addition, this officer shall communicate all relevant correspondence from the college, National Alumni Association, and other entities, to the members of the Association.

Recording Secretary.  The Recording Secretary shall keep all non-financial records of the Association, including, a current register of membership.  He shall keep minutes of all official meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee.  He shall be secretary to the Executive Committee and he may appoint an Assistant Secretary as needed.  He will, in conjunction/coordination with the Association’s Treasurer, prepare and submit all required legal and financial documents of the Association to all local, state and federal agencies that require reporting of the Association’s business.

Financial Secretary.  The Financial Secretary shall receive the funds of the Association and shall establish and maintain a record of all such funds, including the accounts to which the funds have been allocated.  The Financial Secretary shall deposit all funds in accounts established by the Association, and shall deliver all deposit slips and a copy of the records mentioned above to the Treasurer.  The Financial Secretary shall provide monthly reports to the Executive Committee.

Treasurer.  The Treasurer, as the financial officer of the Association shall: (1) be an ex-officio member of any committee established for budgetary or financial purposes.  (2) ensure that all accounts payable are paid. The Treasurer shall make all disbursements in accordance with procedures established by the body and or Executive Committee, which hereby is authorized to establish procedures for all disbursements.  The Treasurer shall obtain receipts for payments, maintain such receipts in regular order and provide monthly reports to the Executive Committee and the Association.  The Treasurer shall oversee the preparation of all proper statements and reports of the financial standing of the Association and shall report these to the Association and shall oversee and retain all financial records of the Association.  The Treasurer shall keep account of all income, seeing that it is traced to the bank as well as an account of disbursements.  He will, in conjunction/coordination with the Association’s Recording Secretary, prepare and submit all required legal and financial documents of the Association to all local, state and federal agencies that require reporting of the Association’s business.

Chaplain.  The Chaplain shall be the spiritual leader of the Association.

Parliamentarian.  Shall monitor the conduct of all meetings and offer opinions when there are concerns regarding propriety, conduct or procedures utilizing Roberts Rules of Order.